Activities in Sheerwater
We offer the following support on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, 9.30am – 4.30pm, at the Mascot Hub: 43 Dartmouth Avenue, Sheerwater GU21 5PE.
Wednesday, 2.00–4.00pm
Open at the Hub once a week to support those struggling to buy shopping. You will need a voucher number to collect items.
Career Support
By appointment
Looking for employment?
We can help with creating and editing your CV, online job applications, scanning and sending documents to potential employers and helping prepare you for interview.
Employment Advice
for those with mental health challenges
Tuesday, 9.30am–3.30pm
Annemarie from the Richmond Fellowship mental health charity, visits to help give employment advice. This group is specifically to support those who have mental health challenges.
One To One Computer Support
Tuesday, 11.00am – 1.00pm
Supporting those who need to build confidence in the use of IT and to help improve IT literacy.
Free WiFi and Internet Café
Any time
If you have your own device but no internet, you can connect via our WiFi.
Laptops are also generally available for those without their own devices.
Signposting to
Partner Agencies
Any time
You could be struggling with your mental health, have money worries or you just don’t know where to find the support you need. We will gladly point you in the right direction to access support.
Photocopier / Printer Use
Any time
You can print documents or we can photocopy or scan documents for you. The printer can currently only be accessed by staff so please bear this in mind if you are copying/printing personal information.
Support with
Universal Credit
Any time
You may be needing support with your Universal Credit account or need help setting one up or updating it. We can help.
House Bidding
Any time
If you are in the Sheerwater Regeneration area and are needing to bid for council properties, we can help with setting up an account or checking for properties.
One To One English Language Sessions
Wednesday, 11.00am–1.00pm
Suitable for anyone who wants to improve their English reading, writing and speaking, and so increase their confidence.
Hearing Aid Clinic
Thursday, 2.30–4.00pm
Carrying out basic maintenance, re-tubing and battery replacement on NHS hearing aids.
Citizens Advice Sessions
Thursday, 10.00am–12.00pm
Run by the local Citizens Advice Bureau, on a drop-in basis for advice on
- debt,
- housing,
- employment,
- benefits,
- relationships
and more.
Maybury and Sheerwater Neighbourhood Watch Facebook Group
The Maybury and Sheerwater Neighbourhood Watch group is a local group on Facebook for all residents of Maybury and Sheerwater. The aim is to provide information for keeping residents safe online and for residents to be alerted to and share information about local crime issues. For example, they have been able to put out lots of information about the latest scams. Forewarned is forearmed!
Together we can have safer communities and help to lower crime by looking out for each other and creating an inclusive, friendly environment where neighbours feel safe and connected.
Anyone and everyone are welcome to join and contribute to the group. It is a closed group for the safety of the members. Please ask your friends and neighbours to join this new group: the more of us join, the more effective we will be! Find us by searching for ‘Maybury and Sheerwater Neighbourhood Watch’ in Facebook, or use the link shown above.
Photo: cropped from by Colin Smith.
Used under this Creative Commons Licence.
Photo credits:
Foodbank: Aaron Doucett; Career Support: Mitchell Luo; One To One Computer Support: John Schnobrich; Free WiFi: Franck; Signposting to Partner Agencies: Jan Huber; Photocopier / Printer Use: engin akyurt; Support with Universal Credit: Colin Watts; House Bidding: Peter Mason; One To One English Language Sessions: Annika Gordon; Hearing Aid Clinic: Mark Paton; Citizens Advice Sessions: LinkedIn Sales Solutions.
All on Unsplash.
Mascot is a joint initiative between St. Paul’s Church, Maybury, and St. Michael’s Church, Sheerwater.
Mascot is gratefully supported and funded by:
Mascot is a joint initiative between St. Paul’s Church, Maybury, and St. Michael’s Church, Sheerwater.
Mascot is gratefully supported and funded by these funds and organisations.